Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunny Sunshine, Blueberry Smiles, Choo-Choo Delights

We've been doing our best to have fun lately!!! And I would say we've been at least mostly succeeding... :0)...We took Linus on a mini vacation to celebrate his 2nd birthday, finding ourselves smiling a lot in Portland, Seaside, and Cascade Locks. Of course, by the end of it, we were all three pretty exhausted and ready to be home. Why do we take vacations again? Once you have kids, vacations aren't really restful anymore. LOL

Seaside, Oregon - July 17, 2011

Once back in town, it was back to life as usual. Summer-y life that is!!! We have been having fun playing outside and visiting parks and today we even took Linus on his first blueberry picking adventure just south in Oregon.

Linus had so much fun!!!
Steve enjoying some farm work

Linus had TONS of fun, though all three of us were sweating pretty good by the end of our time there. We were able to collect about 16 pounds worth in right around an hour. Enough to keep us well stocked for a little while at least. Linus, who never will eat a blueberry I offer him (unless well mixed into a smoothie), was devouring them and probably at about a half pound while we were there. 

Oswald has taken on the role of Train Engineer 'round these parts!!!

As well, we have been enjoying playing with toys and games inside in the cool, crisp air. Linus can't get enough of his trains and helps us build several different tracks a day. His favorite is building the tracks over the mountains and then watching the trains rush down the hills. He loves his Legos, too, and is constantly building homes, stacks, or even car garages. His cooking toys, puzzles, little people, and cars never are left out, either.

One of many railroads that cross the living room

At the end of the day, I can simply say we are enjoying the middle and end of our summer here in the Walla Walla Valley. We're catching all the rays of sunshine while we still can and spending as much time outside as we can. We're spending lots of time giving hugs to each other and being next to one another. Even Oswald has perked up and joined in our fun!!! And every night, we enjoy giving Linus loving kisses and hugs and tucking him in and reading him 5-10 books (no kidding)...It is simple and nothing special to some...but for us it is quite glorious right now!!!

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