Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Beauty of Food

Have you ever really looked at the food you eat? Have you ever really noticed the intricacies of the color of each fruit and vegetable you put to your lips? Have you ever noticed how much a vegetable changes as it grows from a vine in your backyard? Food is amazing! Food is beautiful!!!

Lately I have really been taking the time to notice the beauty of the food around me, from the fresh produce we've purchased, to the cookies I've baked, to the masterpiece of a dinner I've prepared alongside Steve. And as I take more time to notice it's beauty, the flavor is enticed. The scent of each bite is magnificent.

Tonight we made the most simple dish. Nothing spectacular going on here. But the flavor, the enjoyment, the culinary delight! It was great. Grilled salmon with garlic jasmine rice, pan-seared snow peas, and sliced plums...Simple right? But look at the beauty of the color! I just love it. I can't get enough of trying to get as much color onto our dinner plates as possible. It's like a new craze with me. A puzzle to figure out each evening. And I get excited to plan the next evenings meal...what deliciousness will we find!?!

Outside our back door we are growing tomatoes, green peppers, basil, and strawberries. Watching them ripen into existence is such a journey. A leafy sprig becomes a vine that sprouts tomatoes. Amazing!!! The strawberries magically fill with sweetness!!!

Heck, just going to the supermarket and looking through the produce aisle you find so much color. It's like if you were listening to music and each moment a new instrument was added to the symphony of sound. Each day our little family is adding a new musician in our symphony of edible music!

I just had to share how much I am truly enjoying the beauty of food!!! Thanks for reading this rather pointless post...LOL

Who doesn't love homemade pizza!?!

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