Friday, March 4, 2011

Attacking Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and Laryngitis All At Once

Well, Linus has now been sick on and off for two months and some more. Some days when I think about that I wonder what life was like before snotty noses, mild fevers, and hacking coughs. This past Monday, just a couple days after finishing an antibiotic regimen to treat a sinus infection, I had to take Linus to urgent care because, well, he was hardly breathing. It was basically like he couldn't catch his breath no matter what. In true Linus fashion, you wouldn't have known otherwise anything was wrong. He kept playing with his toys and wondering the waiting room like any other kid. I could see the front desk receptionists giving me questioning glances, most likely because they thought I was being an over-worried mom. Well, over-worried or not, I was getting him checked out.

And it turns out I was right to do so. When the doc took a listen to his lungs, I saw a grimace on his face as he put the ear buds of the stethoscope in my ears. "Do you hear that?"...I nodded..."That's not good." It certainly wasn't good. A couple x-rays and horrifying breathing treatment later, we found out it was pneumonia. What craziness was this? Well, turns out, it was our craziness.

That evening, a home medical care group delivered Linus' nebulizer and we started his home treatment. He takes steroids and antibiotics each day. In fact, today is the last day for that. Yippee!!! And then a breathing treatment, via the nebulizer, 4 times daily. Let me tell you about the joys of that. Why don't you go out side and grab a raccoon from your nearest forested area and bring him back home and hold a mask releasing vaporized medicine over his face. Imagine the screaming, thrashing, kicking...Yep, that's what it's like.

Unfortunately, just as we were getting Linus started on his healing regimen I started to feel ooky. Oh dearie me!!! I thought, well I will just fight this at home. I can not go back to the doctor. I can not fill one more prescription. NO!!! Boy, was I ever wrong. Yep.

Yesterday Linus had a recheck with his doctor, who said he is doing fine!!! Oh what wonderful words to hear I tell ya. But, then we scooted across the way to my doctor (I had finally given up and decided to go in). Ugh, a diagnosis of bronchitis and laryngitis. Lovely. Needless to say, my hacking cough which sometimes produces bloody sputum was a bit more than a cold. So, alas, I had to fill another couple prescriptions.

Today is a new day though. Linus and I both are feeling so much better. I can't tell ya how rejuvenated I am feeling right now. Just at this moment. Maybe we are turning a corner finally. And maybe as the sun peeks out more and more from behind those clouds, we will all start feeling better and emerge from our sicky houses to a new way of life. That's my hope!!!

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