Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Truffles, Pancakes, and Mac'n'Cheese Oh My!!!

well, the wyrembelski family is moving forward, even as we continue to hit snags in the path, we keep trucking. steve and i both have a load of pain in different spots. mine, in my arm of course. his is in his side and back. but even with that we are finding all the joy life can bring us, mainly in the little things.

linus is jibber-jabbering more everyday. it is such an exciting experience everytime he says a new word. his new favorite is to say "spongebob" everytime he sees a picture, video, stuffy of the square yellow dude. he loves him! he is really getting into coloring and stickers. puts stickers on anything and everything.

we loved our visit from steve's parents. linus couldn't get enough of either of them. we just loved how he was calling them "Grandma" and "Papa" by the end of the two weeks. he certainly misses them. smiles when he sees a picture. he made good time playing fisher-price people and blocks with them each day. he listened to stories they told him. and he was able to show off his dancing skills on quite the regular basis. of course, his Mamaw will be arriving in a couple weeks. i can't wait for her to have time with linus. i certainly wish my father could also have extra time with our little guy, but it just isn't in the cards right now. hopefully in the near future. i know he loves his Papaw either way.


we have been enjoying time cooking and baking. just last night steve made a new dish he created on the spot with beef and curry paste and veggies and more. it was quite delicious. i have been enjoying baking mac'n'cheese, black bean tostadas, and garlic butter fish, along with frying up cornbread pancakes and making truffles. it is certainly a delicious time in our house right now. of course, it doesn't help that steve and i can't do much exercise right now. lol

all in all, we are doing well and loving life. this weekend is our 6th wedding anniversary and i can't wait to spend part of the day alone with steve, thanks to my wonderful friend watching linus. we are going to see a movie and eat a nice meal. it will be glorious and much needed. wow, that 6 years has just flown by with the wind. thank you to all our friends and family who have kept us close to your hearts. we have felt your love and it has brought us great comfort. talk to you soon, everyone!!!

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