Monday, March 7, 2011

Muddy Sunday Walking

so life has seemed a little hectic lately, a little haywire, a little "where's the hidden camera?". but on sunday, life felt a little more simple and lazy and full of contentment. we woke early, had eggs and toast for breakfast, and decided to take a simple walk at bennington lake. the weather wasn't that cold, just crisp. so we put on some light coats and headed out the door.

as soon as we pulled into the parking lot and got out of the vehicle, linus' eyes lit on fire. something told him fun was just around the corner. we started onto the path and the rock collecting began. linus must have collected over 100 rocks. of course, he couldn't carry them all back to the car. he picked them up and when he saw the next great rock, he picked that one up. he was in a sea of joy...ROCKS!!!

of course, this certainly makes steve and i happy since one of our main loves is rocks. we will have tons to share with him regarding those aggregates of mineral crystals in the future. and i have no doubt linus will want to know more. he shows the rocks to us like they are pieces of gold. and then just as excitedly, he notices another rocks that is somehow better.

along the way, linus found mud puddles galore. he splashed through them. he fell into them. he sat in them. and he was so very happy to do so. steve and i looked at his pants as they grew soaked with mud and felt a twinge of "oh dear me" right before we started to laugh. linus was having fun and so were we. there was so much joy on that walk and i can't wait to take another!!!

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