Saturday, January 30, 2010

Procrastination and The Stuff I Am Sad To Leave Behind

Yeah, I am realizing all the time that, though I was never a procrastinator in my younger days, I am a damn good procrastinator now. So much to be done and so little being done. Sometimes the thought of it all is just too overwhelming and so I just don't even start. But today I finally went into a store and got their old boxes and so that made me feel better. I am getting the things we need to move forward. And I went through some clothes and found some I can pitch to Salvation Army. So, I am getting stuff done, just slowly. Gotta pick up the pace.

I think I have been slowed down this past week a little more, because ever since the baptism I am realizing more everyday how much I am going to miss everyone and everything. It is all the little stuff that you take for granted that will be what I miss the most. Sounds cheesy I know, but it is true. I mean, there is no Kroger out there...I will be shopping at grocery stores I have never even heard of before. Are there Chevrons out there? Had to get used to life without them in Michigan. Plus, I won't be driving down the street to get to the mall anymore...Instead of a five to ten minute drive, it will be an hour drive. I won't be hitting Target 1-3 times a week for necessities. I won't be swinging by Babies-r-us just because...actually, I need to check if there is a Babies-r-us there. So silly, but I am just going to miss those day to day things. No St. Veronica Church just outside the door. No saying HELLO to Kelvin and Kemani. No poor dog in the connecting backyard playing with Oswald. But, on the flipside of that, there are going to be a whole new bunch of day-to-day normal things that I am going to get used to out there. And if and when the day comes when we move from Walla Walla, I will miss them terribly, too. life is so sweet, but how it keeps moving and we always are having to leave stuff behind...hmmm

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