Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Baptism and The Car

Today we had the baptism of our son. It was such a beautiful experience!!! Many family members and a couple friends were on hand to enjoy it. It was great to see my brother and his wife enjoy the process of becoming his godparents. They were happy to be there with us and their nephew, as we were to have them. And though my Dad couldn't be there this weekend, we thought of him and he was there in spirit. (Plus, I spoke to him on the phone in depth regarding...good lord, what was it regarding anyway...oh yeah, was I spending enough "quality" time with my mom and brother.) Though the baptism was beautiful and wonderful, it was also a bittersweet moment, one of the last I will get to spend with family and friends for a long time. It made me happy to be with them, but sad to know how much I will miss them. (Hellfire, I am even tearing up writing this...Shit!!!)

Okay...On a much less sad and retrospective note, we are now looking into seeing if we can just get one of our cars shipped to Walla Walla. That way we can all just drive together, the three of us and the pets. Who wants to drive separately for 36 hours...Not me, that's who. But, holy good gravy, do you know how much it costs to ship a car that far...a cool grand. I know to some of you all out there (I don't know why I am writing this to a collective "you", it is really just for me I think...or maybe the poor person that runs across this blog and decides to read it...Bored yet?)...Anyway, I know some people won't think a $1000 is all that bad, but we just look at that number and shriek in horror right now. We just spent close to $400 on a baptism today. But, I keep thinking, is $1000 really that much for the peace of mind in knowing we can travel together and enjoy the ride together. Maybe it isn't. It is certainly something to think about for sure. There are really just too many things to think about when you are preparing for such a move. But, positive I will stay...Walla Walla watch out, here I come!!!


  1. Too many decisions on the move! But it will be worth it, whatever you choose to do with the car. I think you will really like it here. It's a small community, with a sweet lil vibe. When do you move out?

  2. It is so great to hear back from you. And so neat to have communication from somebody already there. Wow!!! We are tentatively set to leave Detroit on March 14. It is going to take us about 4 or 5 days to get out there, but I actually look forward to the drive cross country. I think I will like it there as well. I just want to get there and try and figure out where I fit in in the community. Thanks for your comment.
