Monday, February 1, 2010

It Is All Going To Be Fabulous...

So, Walla Walla is constantly on my mind these days. Whether it is how I am going to pack for the trip or where we are going to live or what it will be like to be there finally...All of it tends to go right back to Walla Walla...And strangely, I am already feeling a sense of home for the place (strange because I have never been there). I am getting super-duper excited about the trip out there and about starting our life out there. Adventure yes, but I also think a great turning point. It seems like such a wonderful place to be and, for someone living in metro Detroit which is as close to the pit of despair as you can get, wonderful sounds, well, wonderful. I have already made contact with one of the natives...or rather a person who lives there, as she is a transplant herself. She seems happy as peach pie, which helps me to think I will be, too.

I actually got a box packaged up yesterday and it made me feel all top-notch, like I had accomplished something. Yeah, I am quite aware it was only one box, but it proved I could get a start going. And today I have been going through crud on our desk and getting rid of bunches and organizing the rest. Things are looking good. And though the renting of our current home may cause me to have massive migraines, I think in the end it is going to be all fabulous.
Just as my adventure in moving to Michigan was fabulous...

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