Saturday, January 23, 2010


Well, just the other day, Thursday, my husband accepted a job offer in Walla Walla, WA. Of course, as his wife, closest friend, and constant companion I knew this was going to happen. However, the day it did happen it became real. It became certain. And, truly, it became both exciting and scary as all freaking hell!!!

I mean, I have lived away from my family and many of my friends for much of my life. For the most part, though, I had always been within reaching distance. Even when I lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in good ol' Houghton, I had been just about 12 to 14 hours of driving away. This was, of course, something I could pull off in a day in my early 20s, so no big deal. Yes, I had lived in Iceland for a semester of studying abroad and it was quite a distance. But, I had always known it was for just a short while and that soon I would return to my comfort zone with family and friends.

But this past Thursday, WOW, it was a shock to my system. It was exciting to think about moving to Walla Walla and experiencing new things and new people, but to actually do it. Holy Crap!!! I will be about a 34-36 hour drive away. That's certainly not something that can be done within a day, hours don't even fit. When there is an event in Kentucky with my family, I won't be able to just jump in the car and drive down there. When Steve's mom would like us to come over for dinner on a Saturday night, we will just have to think about how nice that would be, because we won't be able to do it. I will miss birthdays. I will miss holidays. I will miss so many events and moments it can make my heart ache to think about it all. I always saw myself as the adventurous type, the one always stepping out and going far away to new lands. Yet, here I am terrified of what lies ahead.

But, as terrified as I am, I am also beyond exhilarated. I can't imagine a more exciting experience than to move across the country to a new town where I know no one and have to figure things out all over again. What will the folks be like in Walla Walla? Will they be exciting or boring? Will they be friendly or stand-offish? Will I meet a great friend or will I just have many good friends? There are so many things that could happen. So many adventures to be had right at my door step now. And, though scared and already feeling quite homesick, I am looking so forward to my new life in my new home, Walla Walla.

1 comment:

  1. Well hello future Walla Wallan! How did you find my crazy blog?

    I should introduce myself! I'm Elaine and I've been living in Walla Walla just over a year now. Where did your hubby get a job? Would love to show you the ropes when you get here. Drop me a line:
