Saturday, January 30, 2010

Procrastination and The Stuff I Am Sad To Leave Behind

Yeah, I am realizing all the time that, though I was never a procrastinator in my younger days, I am a damn good procrastinator now. So much to be done and so little being done. Sometimes the thought of it all is just too overwhelming and so I just don't even start. But today I finally went into a store and got their old boxes and so that made me feel better. I am getting the things we need to move forward. And I went through some clothes and found some I can pitch to Salvation Army. So, I am getting stuff done, just slowly. Gotta pick up the pace.

I think I have been slowed down this past week a little more, because ever since the baptism I am realizing more everyday how much I am going to miss everyone and everything. It is all the little stuff that you take for granted that will be what I miss the most. Sounds cheesy I know, but it is true. I mean, there is no Kroger out there...I will be shopping at grocery stores I have never even heard of before. Are there Chevrons out there? Had to get used to life without them in Michigan. Plus, I won't be driving down the street to get to the mall anymore...Instead of a five to ten minute drive, it will be an hour drive. I won't be hitting Target 1-3 times a week for necessities. I won't be swinging by Babies-r-us just because...actually, I need to check if there is a Babies-r-us there. So silly, but I am just going to miss those day to day things. No St. Veronica Church just outside the door. No saying HELLO to Kelvin and Kemani. No poor dog in the connecting backyard playing with Oswald. But, on the flipside of that, there are going to be a whole new bunch of day-to-day normal things that I am going to get used to out there. And if and when the day comes when we move from Walla Walla, I will miss them terribly, too. life is so sweet, but how it keeps moving and we always are having to leave stuff behind...hmmm

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are Little Homes

So, right now we are trying our darndest to find a new home to rent out there in Walla Walla. A rather frustrating part of this search is that apparently none of the apartment complexes out there have web pages and any time you look up houses to rent you get a page with vacation houses to rent. Maybe we should just think about our time in Walla Walla as a vacation, huh. I finally found a few houses on one website. They actually looked pretty good, but we will see when we get there. Most likely they are probably too good to be true or they are already rented. I am just saying, this is my luck. The stress of looking for a new home is also compounded by the stress of trying to figure out what to do with our current home. I swear, after dealing with all of this I am not sure I will ever buy a home is a true pain in my ass.

While doing all of this, I am trying to go through things in the house and decide what to get rid of and what to keep. I think it is a law that when you move you have to have a massive purge and get rid of all of your crap. The good thing is, I actually have someone that wants to buy all of Li's baby stuff. Heck Yeah!!! If I can even get $20 for it that would be something. But, oh man, forcing myself to get rid of his stuff is so damn tough...I want to keep it all. I want to hold every piece of his clothing and remember all of those moments. Just gotta remind myself that so many more moments are on their way. Actually, I need to get back to sorting through his such-and-such, so see you (that ever elusive 'you') on the flipside.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Baptism and The Car

Today we had the baptism of our son. It was such a beautiful experience!!! Many family members and a couple friends were on hand to enjoy it. It was great to see my brother and his wife enjoy the process of becoming his godparents. They were happy to be there with us and their nephew, as we were to have them. And though my Dad couldn't be there this weekend, we thought of him and he was there in spirit. (Plus, I spoke to him on the phone in depth regarding...good lord, what was it regarding anyway...oh yeah, was I spending enough "quality" time with my mom and brother.) Though the baptism was beautiful and wonderful, it was also a bittersweet moment, one of the last I will get to spend with family and friends for a long time. It made me happy to be with them, but sad to know how much I will miss them. (Hellfire, I am even tearing up writing this...Shit!!!)

Okay...On a much less sad and retrospective note, we are now looking into seeing if we can just get one of our cars shipped to Walla Walla. That way we can all just drive together, the three of us and the pets. Who wants to drive separately for 36 hours...Not me, that's who. But, holy good gravy, do you know how much it costs to ship a car that far...a cool grand. I know to some of you all out there (I don't know why I am writing this to a collective "you", it is really just for me I think...or maybe the poor person that runs across this blog and decides to read it...Bored yet?)...Anyway, I know some people won't think a $1000 is all that bad, but we just look at that number and shriek in horror right now. We just spent close to $400 on a baptism today. But, I keep thinking, is $1000 really that much for the peace of mind in knowing we can travel together and enjoy the ride together. Maybe it isn't. It is certainly something to think about for sure. There are really just too many things to think about when you are preparing for such a move. But, positive I will stay...Walla Walla watch out, here I come!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Well, just the other day, Thursday, my husband accepted a job offer in Walla Walla, WA. Of course, as his wife, closest friend, and constant companion I knew this was going to happen. However, the day it did happen it became real. It became certain. And, truly, it became both exciting and scary as all freaking hell!!!

I mean, I have lived away from my family and many of my friends for much of my life. For the most part, though, I had always been within reaching distance. Even when I lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in good ol' Houghton, I had been just about 12 to 14 hours of driving away. This was, of course, something I could pull off in a day in my early 20s, so no big deal. Yes, I had lived in Iceland for a semester of studying abroad and it was quite a distance. But, I had always known it was for just a short while and that soon I would return to my comfort zone with family and friends.

But this past Thursday, WOW, it was a shock to my system. It was exciting to think about moving to Walla Walla and experiencing new things and new people, but to actually do it. Holy Crap!!! I will be about a 34-36 hour drive away. That's certainly not something that can be done within a day, hours don't even fit. When there is an event in Kentucky with my family, I won't be able to just jump in the car and drive down there. When Steve's mom would like us to come over for dinner on a Saturday night, we will just have to think about how nice that would be, because we won't be able to do it. I will miss birthdays. I will miss holidays. I will miss so many events and moments it can make my heart ache to think about it all. I always saw myself as the adventurous type, the one always stepping out and going far away to new lands. Yet, here I am terrified of what lies ahead.

But, as terrified as I am, I am also beyond exhilarated. I can't imagine a more exciting experience than to move across the country to a new town where I know no one and have to figure things out all over again. What will the folks be like in Walla Walla? Will they be exciting or boring? Will they be friendly or stand-offish? Will I meet a great friend or will I just have many good friends? There are so many things that could happen. So many adventures to be had right at my door step now. And, though scared and already feeling quite homesick, I am looking so forward to my new life in my new home, Walla Walla.