Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Has Arrived!!!

Summer has finally arrived in Walla Walla County...well, I guess you can't say it has officially arrived until June 21st, but close enough. We are enjoying the days as if it is summer already and, even though the rain is insisting to still peek in from time to time, we can't get enough of the sun. Especially Linus!!! As winter fades away, life becomes brighter again and sounds and sights that seemed dull before, seem bright and cheery now. Excitement rules the day as we open our eyes to a new adventure every morning.

We became members of Fort Walla Walla Museum and just loved our first visit there during Fort Walla Walla days. I can't wait to take Linus to walk the buildings over and over again. In fact, we just received our membership cards in the mail today. The best part of our first visit was watching the reenactment of battle...Linus thought the canons were magnificent. Something we found out Linus didn't care for that day...chocolate dipped frozen bananas.

Linus has been enjoying the warmer days and more time outside with his best friend, Oswald. He plays in bowls full of water, He "mows" the lawn, he creates in the sandbox, he has a BLAST!!!

Steve is enjoying messing with his garden. We have to keep it in pots, because we're renting, but it is working out just fine so far. And it kinda keeps mess to a minimum. We can't wait to enjoy the strawberries from our vines!!!

And I can't get enough time in the kitchen. The abundance of fresh fruit is wonderful. And creating homemade jambalaya from a great red bell pepper find was the best! We've discovered Linus' love for black beans and polenta and his dislike of pineapple (which is probably a good thing, since he may be allergic).

We are so happy the sun is starting to shine brighter and the days are warmer and new life is springing forward. I have always loved fall and winter, but I am gaining a new appreciation for Spring and Summer. They hold such magnificence themselves!!!

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