Sunday, April 17, 2011

Life is Moving

Well, it has just been a wild and crazy week for us all here in the Wyrembelski family. We've spent most of our time preparing for our move to College Place on April 16th. However, before the move took place, Linus had another go at being sick. Poor thing. 

We took him in to see his doctor on Thursday after determining his throat was hurting him along with his super runny nose. They wanted to make sure he didn't have strep throat. Nope. No strep. We took him home and made sure to keep fluids continuous. But then Friday his fever started to rise and rise. By around 6pm it was up to 103.1 and none of the medications were helping to bring it down. We finally decided to take our inconsolable little guy into the ER.

X-ray time...He was so brave!!!
The doctor in the ER decided to check him for both pneumonia and influenza. We were pretty certain it wasn't pneumonia, because he didn't seem at all like he had been a couple months ago when he had originally had pneumonia. They xray-ed him in case. The influenza test was much less comfy. They had to shove a little thing up his nostril, practically to his brain I think. Poor guy screamed so loud. It was awful. After about 45 minutes of waiting they finally returned. It was PNEUMONIA...Again ...Ugh!!! He had just a little spot of it in one lung. Doctor informed us that since he was battling it again so soon after having it the first time we were probably dealing with a virus. Super!!! But, he gave us some antibiotics just in case.

Our brave patient!!!
In the end, we went home and rested. Linus is sleeping with us most of the time now, which we are okay with because it means we can continuously check his temperature. It's gone up all the way to 103.8 at times which is so scary. But Linus is holding on, taking down fluids, grudgingly swallowing his medications...together we will beat this pneumonia's butt!!!

Snoozing with Daddy

And in the midst of it all, we moved yesterday. Fully moved into our new home in College Place. (And even though Linus is sick, he was a trooper and enjoyed the day of moving.) With the help of some of Steve's awesome co-workers, we were able to get almost every little thing (minus a few very minor things). Its wonderful finally being moved into our new home and being able to situate everything. Linus isn't sure what to make of things and is a little confused, but overall seems to be enjoying the extra space this home affords us. So, new home and soon a healthier us!!!
Helping Steve take apart the bed...

New Home Madness

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Linus in the ER smiling is priceless. Poor lil' dude! I'm glad he's feeling better :)
