Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Healing, Family Visit, and Getting Over The Trauma.

Steve and Linus enjoying time with Barb and Ed...So sweet!!!

So the past few weeks have been insane, to say the least. I can't even explain the craziness of my life right now. We got to a point about two weeks ago that Steve and I realized we just couldn't do it on our own. Well, we might have been able to do everything, but we would have lost our minds at the same time. Thus, we called in special forces, Steve's parents. They arrived on January 28th and we couldn't have been more happy to see them. We were so downtrodden by that point, so beat down by our circumstances, just their mere presence helped pull us from the pit of our own despair.

Over the past two weeks that they have been here, we have had rough spots of just getting Steve and I back up and running. We have had rough spots of Steve and I having to let go and let others help us. (That's a toughie.) And we have had tons of joy. We make dinners, enjoy nights out, watch the Super Bowl at Mill Creek, and simply try to make the best of what started as a really tough situation.


In the meantime, Steve and I finally made it over to Seattle. My first visit with the Blue Team at Harborview Orthopedic was on February 1st. It was a long visit, a painful visit, but a good visit. I finally felt like the doctors really understood what was going on with my arm and they finally set forth a plan for me. And just yesterday, Steve and I visited Harborview again and found out that at the 3rd week, my arm is looking good. This was great news, because usually once you make it to the 3rd week of healing there is way less risk of the fracture moving and surgery being needed. Yippee!!! I was also given the green light to remove my sling for short periods when I am in the quiet of my home and ever so slightly move my arm around. Of course, the arm is still in two pieces, so I have to be super duper careful!!! But what awesomeness!!!


Oh, how the weeks have gone by. It seems like a century ago that I hurt my arm. The pain is already so much less and we finally found a pain medicine that I don't have a resistance to right now. Good old Tramadol! I am quickly learning how to live life one-armed, which is not as difficult as I would have thought. I still want my arm back though. Steve and I are gaining new perspective, enjoying life and family more, and truly feeling happy again after facing our ordeal.

Unfortunately, Steve still has major pain in his side. He finally got a new doctor at St. Mary's and they are pretty certain he has a hernia. Keep him in your thoughts, as he sees a surgeon about it on February 16. Poor thing has had pain for so long, I don't think he remembers what life without it is like. I just want this all to end for him, so he can get back to normal life, pain free.

I will be sad to see my in-laws leave on Friday. They have been such a help to us. Truly!!! But it will be good to get back to life and normalcy. Well, almost normal. It will be quite a long time before I am fully healed and Steve's hernia situation is yet to be fixed. But we are on the right path and happy with that. Plus, we can finally hold hands again as we're riding in the car. Being able to remove the sling, for even short periods, is such a blessing!!!

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