Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Lights Over Strip-Club Central

Last night, after getting home from having dinner with some family members, I noticed the strip club search lights blaring in the sky. Pretty sure those are sending the light high over the Coliseum Club. Doesn't matter anyway, as there are about two or three other strip clubs right there. Not sure why I am blogging about it...seems a bit odd of a post after so long not leaving one. I just noticed them and the weirdest thing entered my mind,...I am going to miss them. Yeah, those search lights indicate bad crap...rough clientele, hookers, drugs, etc....but it is the crap that I am used to having nearby...the crap I have seen right in my neighborhood for years now.

I am getting ready to move to a place that is nice and charming and not much crime happens. There was like one murder in Walla Walla last year. People that live there, stay there. There isn't a push to get out so you can get away from the crime. And while I look forward to living in such a serene atmosphere and having Linus grow up with such seemingly good people, I wonder how I will actually take to it. I am so used to being on guard and keeping a shield up in case this person isn't good. Am I going to be standoffish to these people. I really don't think so, seeing as I will talk to anyone, but I just don't know. On the other hand, are they going to look at us with weird wondering eyes as "those people from Detroit". Yeah, we haven't lived in the very worst neighborhood, but 8 Mile and Gratiot certainly isn't fancy-free. Are they going to think odd of us, as I have heard has happened to some folks that move away. I don't think so again, but you just never know.

All just wonderings from an overactive mind...all just musings.

But I really am going to miss the search lights and the strip clubs.

1 comment:

  1. tear....just thought of how you won't ever get to show me a real live hooker :)
