Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Getting Back To Expressing My Inner Walla Walla

Well, here we are in the new year. I really can't believe how quickly we found ourselves rocking into 2011. Holy Moley, soon we will hit the 1 year anniversary of our move to the wild town of Walla Walla. It's truly amazing to me. And, yet, as I sit here thinking about things, I realize we have gone through a lot over the last year. Wow.

Of course, the holidays are just recently behind us and they were fun, crazy, and exhausting. Linus took pictures with Santa at the Inland Octopus toy store downtown. He wasn't too sure of the rosy-cheeked dude. Never smiled, never cried, just looked in a very analytical way at the big red elf. 

Since we traveled back east for the holiday, we had our own little Christmas in Walla Walla prior to getting in the car. Linus received a potty chair which he took to immediately. Alas, he also found it to be a perfect container for his Little People figures, so we're going to have to work on that. 

He also got a bunch of my old Fisher Price toys from years gone by. We found that my old Fisher Price house was from 1969!!! Craziness. We all three had fun enjoying the toys and some other new nifty gadgets. Oswald even joined the fun, sticking out his tongue at the new toys.


Back east we had a ton of fun visiting with family and friends. After 2.5 weeks on the road and traveling over 5000 miles, it was bittersweet to find ourselves back in Walla Walla. We were happy to be home, feeling every bit of ourselves drained and exhausted. But, of course, we were so sad to leave behind our familiar life back east.

2010 brought us a few scares as well. In November, an unidentifiable spot was found on Steve's pancreas. He underwent an ultrasound, CT scan, and a biopsy procedure (unfortunately, during this procedure they weren't able to collect...but he was still put under and scoped and imaged). At the end of the day they feel it is nothing to concerned about. He will undergo another CT scan in a few months to recheck the spot. Of course, the whole ordeal left us wrecked with worry, but we have moved forward and look forward to a healthier new year.

We have also grown more comfortable in our new home, Walla Walla. We are feeling, that even though I don't think we'll ever not think of Michigan as home, we are okay with living here in Walla Walla for now. We have made great new friends and find ourselves quite happy. To all our friends and family back east, We still love you!!!

I'll end this post with a picture I love of Steve and Linus. It was taken during the medical scare with Steve. It was taken at a moment that I feared so very much I might just be looking at a very sick husband. But, even in that fear, I saw a father who so very much loves his son and I felt my love for the both of them.

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